Get the help you need to create the problem-free herd you want. The revolutionary HYVIG™ dairy crossbreeding solution will fit your system perfectly, delivering excellent production, superb health, and unrivaled fertility. Expect reduced workload and increased profits – time after time.
The Norwegian Red breed is known for superior health and fitness traits. Females tend to have less difficulty calving, breed back easily, and are medium-sized, trouble-free cows that work well in commercial dairies. In other words, just what a dairy needs to become more profitable.
Genus ABS recommends a three-breed rotational crossbreeding program involving the Holstein, Jersey and Norwegian Red breeds.
In extensive research, Norwegian Red sires have added profitability to crossbreeding programs with:
- Improved fertility
- Increased survival
- Improved mastitis resistance
- Improved resistance to other diseases
- Improved percentages of fat and protein